Chelsea Game

Never a huge fan of Football, it is disturbing to see how easy it is to go from placid observer to crazed enthusiast in the space of 90 minutes. Wednesday's fixture between Chelsea and Aston Villa (cute striped socks) was a revelation. The premier league it seems, has its own premier style when it comes to hospitality! We were escorted to our pre match table at the Clarke Suite and given the royal treatment. The food was fantastic, the drinks were absolutely anything you fancied and the service was superb. The dinning room was full of smartly dressed men. Not so many women. Those present were highly polished with plenty of diamonds and of course sapphires (undoubtedly a subtle show of allegiance to the boys in blue!) All were sipping rose elegantly. Not a faked tanned WAG in sight. Our seats were in the "Library". Christened thus for its low key supporters who nearly raised the roof when Ivanovic scored in the 2nd half. Gin and tonics and dessert were waiting for us at our table after the match keeping the spirit very much alive.One of my escorts was in full Chelsea Regalia purchased from the souks of Marrakesh. I wonder did the die hard fans notice?

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